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Year 10


My name is Steve Trickey, I am a PE teacher and Head of Year 10 here at St Peter’s School. I have worked at St Peter’s since 2004 and been a Year Leader since 2016.

Year 10 is a crucial year and the start of the students' GCSE and BTEC journey. It is an important foundation for Year 11 and includes syllabus that is covered in their final GCSE/BTEC exams and coursework. It can be a very challenging and demanding transition from Key Stage 3, but the school aims to walk alongside them, offering support and guidance every step of the way. There are a number of GCSE information and parent evenings, focussed on helping you as a family work together with the school, to achieve great results in tracking tests and their Year 10 summer examinations.

Students also have the opportunity to enrol and work towards the ever-popular Sports Leaders and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award, on top of the sporting, musical, acting clubs and performances they can take part in each year. Year 10 students can also access rewarding trips such as Macbeth and residential trips that include the Junior Ski Trip. Students also have the opportunity to start thinking and planning for the Berlin History trip and the Camps International visit that happen in Year 11. We have careers guidance and encourage students to think about completing work experience during their own time and school holidays.

Year 10 is also a time of celebration as students are recognised for their achievements, attitude to learning, attainment and attendance that include success assemblies, celebration breakfasts, group mentoring and Headteacher breakfasts throughout the year.

A successful Year 10 student will have excellent attendance and punctuality in school. They will manage their time effectively to ensure they are completing home learning and coursework on time and to the very best of their ability. They will be revising throughout the year, using the summer examinations in May to gauge their progress.

Achievement is never easy but when students, parents and the School work together, there is a real opportunity for success. I feel excited and privileged to be guiding the students through this crucial time in their lives.


GCSE Art & Design is developed through sketchbooks and blogs that become highly personal records of individual progress. Project work ranges from traditional practices such as drawing and painting, to working in 3 dimensions, animation, photography and using digital media. and are key resources developed by our Subject Leader.


AQA GCSE Art & Design (60% Coursework; 40% Externally Set Assignment – completed at the end of Year 11)


New themes are developed each year, in response to a range of inspirations such as artists’ work, gallery visits, news events, and personal, practical explorations. Lesson resources are available at and


There are a range of fieldwork and extra-curricular opportunities available throughout the year, including London gallery visits. GCSE Students are able to use the art rooms at lunch time and after school to develop their studies. Specific teacher support is available on one evening each week.

Home Learning

Home learning is an essential part of GCSE study and promotes independent creative development. Some students opt to complete home learning tasks within after school support sessions. Tasks vary depending on the project in focus and range from practical to research-based.


Creative development and practical activities are assessed regularly to inform planning and target setting. This is done through a range of assessment strategies, including one to one discussions and sketchbook looks, also peer and monitored group assessments. Formal tracking grades are recorded across the school year in line with school policy.


Our Business GCSE endeavours to bring the subject to life. Our courses have links to businesses and the teaching methods vary with the requirements of the topic covered. Both literacy and numeracy skills are necessary.


Pearson GCSE Business (2017)


  • Enterprise and entrepreneurship
  • Spotting a business opportunity
  • Putting a business idea into practice
  • Making the business effective
  • Understanding external influences on business

Home Learning

Home learning is issued regularly (normally weekly) and can take various formats such as research, short answer questions or longer exam style questions.


Written examination: 1 hour and 30 minutes
50% of the qualification

Child Development

This GCSE level qualification covers all aspects of child development from conception to five years, studying the Physical, Intellectual, Social and Emotional development, as well as safety, health, professional practitioner roles and mental well-being. Students gain knowledge and understanding, as well as some practical skills needed to create the best conditions for a child’s development and gain insight and knowledge in a wide range of theoretical units linking to careers in Education, Medicine, Midwifery, Nursing, Social Care and the Services.


OCR Cambridge National Level 1/2 Child Development



Health and well-being for child development; Child safety, first aid and emergency medical care, childhood illnesses & treatment, contraception, health and well-being, pregnancy, labour and birth, roles & responsibilities of the parent/carer.


Understand the equipment and nutritional needs of children from birth to five years. 

  • Assignment 1 – researching planning, budgeting, safety leading to analysis and evaluation of equipment for a childcare setting. 
  • Assignments 2 & 3 – researching nutritional needs of 0-5 years, comparing foods and meals to Government RDI’s, analysing foods, designing and creating healthy balanced meals for all stages of feeding. 


After school sessions run weekly to support with revision and coursework throughout Year 10 and 11 with focused sessions around deadlines and examinations.

Home Learning

High expectations for quality work. Purposeful tasks set on a weekly basis to further develop classroom learning, along with focused revision in preparation for the external exam in the summer of Year 10. Tasks include research investigations, exam practice questions, essays and revision resource creation.


The external examination is sat in the summer of Year 10, with a re-sit opportunity in Year 11 at a cost.  Student’s highest grade is taken into the final qualification calculation. Examination covers 50% of the overall qualification. Two coursework units comprising of 6 assignments makes up the other 50% of the qualification and are studied through the two GCSE years. There is one opportunity to re-submit coursework for improved grade, at a cost.


Every pupil works through a diverse programme of activities designed to meet and exceed the National Curriculum guidance for Citizenship.  We take our lead from our LaSallian Values, such as respect for all and a high quality education for our pupils and our programme enables pupils to explore a wide range of UK life and culture.  Pupils might also opt for the full GCSE in Citizenship which follows the Edexcel Specification and provides a deep dive into key parts of life in the UK.


Pearson GCSE Citizenship Studies (2016)


  • Living Together in the UK
  • Democracy at work in the UK
  • Taking Citizenship Action


GCSE Citizenship students visit the Palaces of Westminster and complete a guided tour of the Houses of Commons and Lords as well as a workshop on Democratic Rights. Meet an MP and a visit to Downing Street if schedules allow.

Home Learning

Home learning is set every week for the GCSE Specification and will often include an expectation to carry out written research that will help students’ GCSE course.


Progress is regularly monitored and assessed. The Year 10 exam covers elements such as changes to British Society over time and the Equality Act (2010).

Computer Science

All leaners need to be digitally literate and become autonomous programmers; being able to apply algorithmic processes to any computer language to solve everyday problems; having knowledge of the important components of computerised networks and be able to evaluate their characteristics and efficiency. All Learners need to understand the role of computerised systems in society, their application to other industries and how they are used responsibly in an evolving society.


OCR GCSE Computer Science
100% final Exam – Computer Systems (50%); Computational Thinking (50%)


  • Systems Architecture
  • Memory
  • Storage
  • Networks
  • System Security
  • System Software
  • Legal & Ethical Issues
  • Algorithms
  • Programming techniques
  • Computational Logic
  • Data representations

Home Learning

Home learning is set weekly with a mixture of research tasks, past paper questions and longer programming tasks.


Lessons start with short recap checks. There are a series of online multiple-choice tests and a formal end of year examination. Programming tasks are issued throughout the year to assess their programming ability.

Design & Technology

Year 10 is based on developing the skills needed for the GCSE D&T course. This includes a core understanding of all material areas as well as specialist technical principles. Students will learn key practical skills to allow them to design and make products independently in Year 11.


AQA GCSE Design & Technology taught in chosen specialism groups including: Graphics, Resistant Materials, Textiles, Systems and Control (Electronics).

  • 50% NEA Portfolio project
  • 50% 2 hour written exam


  • Skills building — building knowledge and understanding of the core material areas and specialising in the option chosen
  • Delivered through a range of design contexts


  • Textiles lunchtime club
  • GCSE Catch up after school sessions

Home Learning

Home learning is set weekly with an emphasis on preparing for their GCSE portfolio & exam. Many homework tasks will link directly to the GCSE revision guide used.


End of module class tests
Practical assessments
Full GCSE paper for the internal summer mock exam


GCSE Dance provides students with the opportunity to acquire experience of performance, choreography and to look at professional works. The study of dance helps students develop confidence, leadership skills, creativity, artistic appreciation and improve physical fitness. 


60% practical and 40% theory


Students will develop their dance technique, their choreographic skills and learn how to analyse dance, looking at work created by professionals and their own work. During Year 10 they will have experience of all the components which form the course, so that they are able to build directly on this in Year 11.


  • Annual School Production
  • A Level Showcase
  • Dance Showcase

Home Learning

Home Learning is set weekly and can be both theoretical and practical preparation for lessons.


There will be a written internal exam in the summer of Year 10 and practical work will be assessed across the year for internal tracking points.


The skill base in GCSE Drama is demanding but reflective of our modern world – creativity, performing, directing, designing, complex problem solving, collaboration, communication, emotional intelligence and critical thinking.


Pearson GCSE Drama
Devising a new performance (40%) Monologue/Duologue (20%) Final written exam (40%)


Year 10 units are mocks

  • Abstract theatre & devising
  • Monologue development
  • Monologue performance
  • An Inspector Calls
  • Devising from a stimulus
  • Devising from a stimulus (actual GCSE development work)


  • Whole School production
  • Bar Mock Trial (role-play)
  • GCSE Drama Creative Group

Home Learning

Home learning will vary depending on which component is being prepared. The work will range from learning lines, rehearsing individual and group performances, current affairs and historical research, set and lighting designs, practice exam questions, portfolio question drafts and character studies.


The work in year 10 does not directly contribute to the GCSE grades. Each unit is a mock version and shadows the structure of Year 11. There are internal performances and written examination mocks.


The initial year of GCSE courses working towards qualifications in English Language and English Literature.


Pearson GCSE English Language
Pearson GCSE English Literature


  • Study of An Inspector Calls by JB Priestley
  • Study of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
  • Study of a collection of poems from the Conflict section of the Pearson anthology
  • Preparation for Language paper one — reading and writing fiction
  • Preparation for Literature Paper Two — A Christmas Carol, poetry comparison and analysis and comparison of unseen poems
  • Preparation and performance of speeches for the speaking and listening endorsement


  • Debates
  • Writing competitions
  • Catenian Public Speaking Competition

Home Learning

Home learning is set weekly from modular home-learning booklets. The home learning tasks in Year 10 are based on the GCSE English Language papers. Through these tasks, students will be developing key skills for English Language. There are lessons devoted to directed improvement and reflection time every week.


Half termly in-house assessments comprising end-of-module class assessments, combined with peer, self and additional teacher assessments. Year 10 summer examinations.

Food Technology

Year 10 is based on developing the skills needed for the GCSE D&T course. This includes a core understanding of the function of ingredients. Students will learn key practical skills and the science of food to allow them to design and make nutritious products independently in Year 11.


WJEC GCSE Food preparation and nutrition

  • 15% Food science investigation project
  • 35% Skills preparation project with a context set by the exam board
  • 50% 90 minute written exam paper


  • Building knowledge and understanding of the key commodity groups including the Science and function of foods
  • Food nutrition
  • Development of practical skills


  • GCSE Catch up after school sessions
  • Rotary chef competition

Home Learning

Home learning is set weekly with an emphasis on preparing for their GCSE NEA & exam. Many homework tasks will link directly to the GCSE revision guide used.


End of module class tests. Practical assessments, including a separate practical skills mock examination.
Full GCSE paper for the internal summer mock exam.


The study of contemporary human & physical geography concepts.


OCR GCSE Geography B


  • Urban futures
  • Global Hazards
  • UK in the 21st Century
  • Sustaining Ecosystems
  • Physical geography fieldwork Dorset coast


  • Geography in the news group
  • Geographical Association competitions as appropriate

Home Learning

Range of types including research, learning & written tasks set once or twice a week


End of unit internal assessments based on exam materials. Internal annual exam, 70 minutes.


The History department aims to instil a deep love of the subject to all GCSE students through thoughtful lessons and the development of academic skills that make History one of the most valued and useful academic disciplines.


AQA GCSE History


  • Britain: Migration and Empire 793 to present
  • Causes and events WWI


  • GCSE trip to Berlin supporting the module on Nazi Germany
  • History lectures in conjunction with Southampton University

Home Learning

GSCE students will be expected to complete homework as directed by their class teacher. Generally, this will be one substantial homework each week. Homework activities will vary and will include research tasks, revision for assessments, past paper questions to help students enhance exam technique, consolidation tasks and creative work.


Class assessments to test and enhance skills and knowledge. End of unit assessments. End of year exam in summer term.


Year 9 lessons will embed and develop the knowledge, skills and concepts required for GCSE (9-1) Mathematics.


Pearson GCSE Mathematics


Foundation (sets 3+4)

  • Transformations
  • Ratio
  • Pythagoras’ Theorem and Trigonometry
  • Probability
  • Multiplicative reasoning
  • Constructions
  • Quadratic equations and graphs
  • Shape (PAV)
  • Fractions/standard form
  • Congruence, similarity and vectors
  • Algebra

Higher (sets 1+2)

  • Equations
  • Probability
  • Multiplicative reasoning
  • Similarity and congruence
  • More trigonometry
  • Statistics
  • Equations and graphs
  • Circle Theorems
  • Algebra
  • Proportion and graphs


  • Intermediate Mathematics Challenge
  • Southampton University Mathematics Challenge

Home Learning

Set by the teacher once a week (handed in on the same day each week) minimum of 90 minutes.


Three 90 minute exams — one non calculator and two calculator
Sets 3+4 Foundation Tier grades 1-5

Sets 1 +2 Higher Tier grades 4-9

Modern Foreign Languages

To develop key grammar skills, vocabulary, listening, reading, speaking, writing and translation skills. Resources include videos, sound files, self and peer-assessment activities, interactive vocabulary builders and practice questions.


AQA GCSE Spanish



  • Me, My Family & Friends
  • Technology in Everyday Life
  • Free Time Activities
  • Customs and Festivals
  • Home, Town, Neighbourhood
  • Social Issues


  • Me, My Family & Friends
  • Technology in Everyday Life
  • Free Time Activities
  • Customs and Festivals
  • Home, Town, Neighbourhood
  • Social Issues


French & Spanish Revision Classes

Home Learning

Home learning is set weekly and will vary between learning vocabulary, reading, writing and translation activities. Preparation for the GCSE oral exam and online listening activities from Kerboodle.


A skills' assessment every half term plus a mock GCSE speaking exam in the summer term.


GCSE Students learn Music History (c.1450 — Present Day), Aural Awareness, Performing and Composing skills.

BTEC Students learn about the Music Industry through live and vocational topics, developing a skill set ready for the workplace.


EDUQAS Music GCSE or EDEXCEL BTEC Certificate in Music



  • Musical Devices
  • Music for Ensembles
  • Music for Film
  • Popular Music
  • Students also work on composing and performance skills


  • The Music Industry
  • Live sound recording


Coursework Catch up sessions are available every lunchtime in T14, and after school Tuesday–Thursday. BTEC Tech Club

Home Learning

Home Learning is set weekly. In addition, students are expected to be practicing their instrument/voice for performances. BTEC Students often have research tasks relating to the unit that they are completing.


GCSE Students complete 2 mock exams in Year 10, as well as mock coursework. Formative assessment is completed each lesson and students are set regular key vocabulary tests.
BTEC Mock and final exam for Unit 1 The Music Industry, plus a recording of a Live Performance Unit is completed and moderated in Year 10.

Physical Education

Through the development of employability skills and the medium of physical activity we aim to enthuse the desire to be active for life, encourage the drive for achievement, celebrate the success of others, allow freedom of thought and accept the differences of the individual.




A number of activities will be on offer encouraging a wide variety of active and competitive opportunities with the intention of developing the students core values of:

  • Empathy
  • Community
  • Persistence
  • Aspiration
  • Collaboration
  • Imagination
  • Morals and ethics.


A full programme of extra-curricular activities is on offer ranging from boxing to badminton in excellent facilities with a combination of paid coaches and PE staff. Opportunities involving coaches from outside of school may have a termly charge.

Home Learning

Home learning is not methodically set, although there is an expectation that students and their families should take a positive and responsible approach to regular weekly exercise and a healthy food regime. This may include park run, visits to the gym, cycling and running or some form of daily outdoor activity.


Students will be assessed throughout the year on the PE core values: Empathy, Community, Persistence, Aspiration, Collaboration, Imagination, Morals and ethics.

Religious Education

The skill base in GCSE Religious Studies is manifold — literacy, analytical, rational thought, balanced arguments, and philosophical discourse.


AQA Religious Studies B (100% final exam)


  • Incarnation
  • Triune God
  • Redemption
  • Church and the Kingdom of God


  • Young Lasallians
  • The Young Citizens Bar Mock Trial (Great Britain) national competition and the Empire Mock Trial (United States) international competition.
  • Philosophy Masterclass at Oxford Town Hall, and an Oxford College tour.

Home Learning

Home learning is set weekly with an emphasis on GCSE style questions. For high achievers, flipped home learning is a focus on reading ahead, note-taking from the reading, and the early creation of study paraphernalia.


End of module class tests. Full GCSE question quota for the internal summer mock exam.


To complete the second half of the GCSE course including all higher tier work and required practicals for the Combined Science course


AQA GCSE Combined Science (Trilogy) (100% final exam)


Paper 2 mostly covered in Year 10


  • The Human nervous system
  • Hormonal co-ordination
  • Homeostasis
  • Reproduction
  • Variation and Evolution
  • Genetics and evolution
  • Adaptations, interdependence and competition
  • Organising an ecosystem
  • Biodiversity and ecosystems


  • Rates and equilibria
  • Crude oils and fuels
  • Organic reactions
  • Polymers
  • Chemical analysis
  • The Earth’s atmosphere
  • The Earth’s resources
  • Using our resources


  • Forces in balance
  • Motion
  • Forces and motion
  • Pressure and surface area
  • Wave properties
  • Electromagnetic waves
  • Light
  • Electromagnetism
  • Space


  • Biology Challenge offered to those who wish to enter
  • Usually one guest speaker per year group, topic varying each year
  • Evening Science lectures open to all

Home Learning

Home learning is set weekly in the form of learning key words and concepts from set pages. This is checked by a 10-mark quiz once a week. A detailed letter explaining the expectations and rational for these tasks will be sent to all parents at the start of September.


Personal Assessment Tasks (PATs) for diagnostic (formative) use. Students will be tested on Biology, Chemistry and Physics each per term.