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Student Support

As well as your personal Tutor, Year Leader and teaching staff, we have an array of support staff at St Peter’s:

Careers Advice 

If you are wondering what to do in the future, need to choose courses, or any other future related issue, our Careers Co-ordinator or the Head of Sixth Form, will be a great source of help and ideas. Alternatively speak to a Senior Leader who will put you in contact with the right person. Careers appointments can be arranged with our Careers Co-ordinator.


We have a coffee/hot chocolate machine in the Sixth Form Centre, as well as a kitchen area for you to use. The main school canteen also serves brilliant food options!


Juliette and Liz are available in the Chapel for confidential support to all students. Pop in if you need a chat, or just someone to talk to about any issue, whether to do with school or any other aspect of your life.


Mrs Haskell, Exams Office. Any questions about UCAS applications, exam entries, results, or special consideration Mrs Haskell will be able to help you.


Mrs Male, Mrs Abraham and Mrs Robertson are always available to help in the library.

Print Room

The Print Room is located next to the main school reception, where staff will help you with photocopying and other printing services.


Mrs Richardson, Room A38. If you have a particular learning need or experience barriers to learning please contact Mrs Richardson for help and advice. If you previously received TA support, extra time in exams etc. please make yourself known to her, and she will assist you.

Sixth Form Office Manager

Miss Camilleri, Sixth Form Centre. Available to help with any queries relating to courses or options. She will be able to make appointments for you, or tell you who you need to see for further information. Miss Camilleri, together with your Year Leader, is the first port of call for any queries.

Sixth Form Administrator

Mrs Laird, Sixth Form Centre. Available to help with any queries regarding attendance, work experience placements and student financial support payments. Those on free school meals, families living on benefits or experiencing other forms of hardship should all qualify for support. Full details will be given to you on registration.