Are you a parent or carer of a young person between the ages of 12-16 with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)? The NHS are running a patient and public involvement and engagement event. Please see below for further details or contact
SENDiass4BCP has drop-ins across Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole, where you can ask their officers questions. In addition, if you are staring the EHCP process, approaching an Annual Review, or checking a draft EHCP, they have online workshops that you can join too. Take a look at their latest news post for more details.
An Introduction to Autism & Neurodiversity for Parents is available to book by emailing No diagnosis is necessary. No charge to attend. 1 or 2 spaces per family available. Please note these sessions are available to BCP families.
Inclusive education
St Peter’s supports inclusive education and will aim to educate students with SEND alongside their peers in mainstream education. Consideration will be given to the wishes of the parents/carers and the ability to meet those needs successfully. Age, gender, race, creed or individual needs do not constrain any entitlement. All students are entitled to be valued equally and must be educated to their full potential. The school’s Admission Policy reflects our statutory responsibilities to students with SEND as do specific Inclusion and SEND Policies. The school has an Access Plan to meet the requirements of the Equality Act.
Provisions for SEND students
Provisions for students with SEND are effective for all year groups and Key Stages. Thorough and careful planning ensures a smooth transition from Primary School for all our pupils. Pupils with Additional Needs are identified and records detailing specific additional needs or disabilities are attached to their transfer documents. During their time at St Peter’s School pupils’ needs continue to be identified using a range of assessments by individual subject teachers. When required specialist diagnostic tests are conducted by specialist teachers. When appropriate, external support services and agencies are invited in to give help and support to both staff and pupils.
Where students with SEND have been identified as meeting the criteria for being on the Code of Practice for SEN the school holds a register to ensure that purposeful action is taken. All pupils on this register will be the subject an of Advisory note giving clear guidance on individual need, target setting and additional support to ensure inclusion in all aspects of school life. These Advisory Notes are shared with parents and carers and are accessed by staff on the secure network. Where students with additional needs meet the criteria access arrangements for public examinations special arrangements are made. Where students are withdrawn on an individual basis or group basis in order to meet their additional needs, the fundamental principle of inclusion should be maintained.
- Mr Ian Evans - Senior Leader for Inclusion email:
- Mrs Anne Richardson - SENCO (Primary to Sixth Form) email:
- Mrs Liz Pritchard - Primary SEND Lead email:
- Mrs Catherine Wright - Specialist Literacy Teacher email:
Useful links and Information
Please note these are not endorsed by the school, all contact should be made directly with the organiser or group.
9.30-11.30am, first Thursday of the month
Somerford arc Community Centre, 20 Southey Road, Christchurch BH23 3EH
Information, Advice and Support for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs
and/or Disability, and their Parents or Carers.
Click the links to find out more SENDiass leaflet and SENDiass Early Years information
The Remix
An integrated performance company for young people. Many of the young people have physical disabilities, sensory impairments, on the autistic spectrum, have learning difficulties or are non-disabled. If you are aged 11-19 years, live in Dorset Bournemouth or Poole and have a love of dance, acting, film making, music, circus and/or performing see The REMIX for more information or email
The Umbrella Group
A parent led support group, for parents of children and young adults with ASD. Click the link to find out more about them The Umbrella Group