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An Inspiring visitor

Last week we had a special visit from Father Arockiaraj, one of the leaders of ‘Reaching the Unreached’ in India. He visited both Primary and Secondary and ran a special assembly for Year 7.

He talked about the work of Brother Lionel and the inspiring work done by the charity to support some of the most disadvantaged children and families in remote rural villages in South India.

We were joined in the afternoon by staff, students and members of ‘St Peter's Past Pupils Association’ for Mass in the school Chapel. This was followed by a talk by Father Arockiaraj which highlighted, for many of us, the impact our fundraising efforts in school make directly to the lives of children and families.

Proceeds of this year’s whole school sponsored walk, on Ethos Day, will go directly to the Brother Lionel fund, and following Father Arockiaraj's visit we have been inspired to raise as much as possible.