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Year 6


Our Teacher is Mrs Haines

You can email Mrs Haines on

Our Teaching Assistants are Mr Motte, Mrs Mariner (Tuesday) & 1:1 Mrs Gray

Our School Council Reps are


Our Teacher is Miss Allen

You can email Miss Allen on

Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Vincent & Mrs Strachan

Our School Council Reps are


We are extremely lucky in Year 6 to have parts of our curriculum delivered by specialist teachers. Please find below, the days of the week in which your child is accessing areas of the curriculum delivered by specialist teachers:

  6HH 6RA
PE Friday Friday
Music Friday Friday
Spanish Friday Friday
DT Friday Friday


In Year 6, our learning continues to be thematic. Here is an outline of our topics for the year:

AUTUMN 1 The World at War

In this topic, we explore what life was like for both those who went to war and those who were left behind during WWI and WWII.

AUTUMN 2 Chocolate

Using Willy Wonka’s creativity and love for all things sweet, we design, make and evaluate our own chocolate bar.

SPRING 1 The Amazing Amazon

We join Maia on her voyage to the Amazon Rainforest, following her dreams, having a positive outlook and sense of responsibility, together with ideas concerning respect, prejudice, class and culture.

SPRING 2 Where Your Wings Were…

The discovery of a mysterious winged creature leads us to make hypotheses about what it could be. Knowledge of unusual creatures inspires us to have open minds about who Skellig is and where he came from.

SUMMER 1 It’s All Greek To Me!

We take an in-depth look at Greek mythology in this topic to take inspiration for our learning.

SUMMER 2 Shakespeare Rocks

Throughout our final half-term at primary school, we will study the work of William Shakespeare and this will provide us with the inspiration for our end of year production- Shakespeare Rocks.


Daily reading continues to be of paramount importance for your child’s development. Your child has a password to access Oxford Reading Buddy. On this platform, they have been assigned to a level that they should be able to read with fluency and confidence. After reading each book, your child should complete the comprehension task to check that they have understood what they have read. Please encourage your child to use Oxford Reading Buddy as often as possible to support the development of their reading and comprehension skills. In addition to completing their reading books, please prioritise reading for pleasure at home. Each week, we share our ‘Recommended Reads,’ so do encourage your child to be ready to talk about a book or author that they are enjoying.

Further home learning is set on a Friday and is due to be handed in the following Wednesday please. We will use Purple Mash and Mathletics to set maths, spelling, reading and topic related tasks. The tasks set will support the learning that your child has completed in school during the week. The children can also work on their recall and fluency by playing on Live Mathletics. We ask that they try their best to earn 1000 points on Mathletics every week please. 

In addition to the homework set each week, your child should also be accessing TT Rockstars daily. Times Table recall is an important skill which underpins many areas of the maths curriculum. When your child has learnt a Times Table, TT Rockstars will enable them to practise recalling key facts at speed.


Our children are very busy collecting Green Cards which are earned for: 

  • Having a fantastic attitude towards learning 
  • Completing work to a high standard 
  • Demonstrating deep thinking 
  • Looking out for others 
  • Being a good friend 
  • Being a role model for others 

The children are aiming each week to be one of the ‘top earners’ of Green Cards. The top earners of green cards will be invited to choose a voucher from our Green Card rewards box. Rewards include being able to work at the teacher's desk, enjoying a cup of tea and biscuits and even getting to be the class DJ for the day, plus many more! In addition to this, a running total will also be kept for each child and these Green Cards will enable them to participate in a rewards afternoon.